Is the Shire still providing its rubbish and recycling bin collection service?
Yes. Our waste management services is continuing and residents can continue putting out their green and yellow bins on their allocated days. The Shire will advise residents if there is any change to this service.
Is the Shire’s Community Safety Team and Emergency Services still operating?
Yes. The Shire’s Community Safety Team, which includes our Ranger Services, is still operating a 7-day a week roster.
Our Emergency Services Team, which includes our six volunteer bush fire brigades, are still operating.
Are Council Meetings still being held?
Yes. Ordinary Council Meetings can now be attended in person, however, please be advised that to meet physical distancing provisions, the public gallery will have limited seating. For more information on attendance and how you can participate in the meeting, click here.
Please refer to the Public Participation area of the Shire's website for information regarding Public Questions, Public Statements and Deputations.
Is the Shire still providing Citizenship Ceremonies?
The Shire is currently holding in-person ceremonies that confer citizenship and welcome our newest Australians. Further information on Australian Citizenship Ceremonies including dates and times can be found here.
How is the Shire supporting local businesses?
The Shire has a dedicated COVID-19 business support page. Please click here.
What is the Shire’s administration doing in response to COVID-19?
The safety, health and wellbeing of our local community, our customers and our staff is our main priority and the Shire is actively following the advice received from government and health authorities to ensure we are equipped with the latest information.
The Shire has reactivated its internal COVID-19 Working Group, and is reviewing its Pandemic Business Continuity Plan and Health and Safety Risk Assessment to ensure we can continue to provide services to our community.
As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve in WA, we will continue to implement processes and work arrangements to protect the health and wellbeing of staff, Councillors, volunteers and our community while ensuring we continue to deliver our programs, services and events in a safe environment.
Will my planning or building application be processed?
Yes. All planning and building applications will continue to be assessed within the statutory timeframes.
Applications will need to be made electronically via email to or the relevant State Government department as per usual.
Applications will be referred internally and processed as usual and feedback will be given via email or telephone. Payments can also be done electronically.
Teleconferencing facilities are available for external meetings (Zoom), but due to the limitations of technology we may have to use telephonic means or email as an alternative.
Shire staff will continue to respond to any planning or building questions. Please contact the Shire on 9526 1111 or email if you have a question.
Can the Shire assist me with approvals or requirements for my business?
Yes. Our Planning Team and Environmental Health Team can assist business owners or operators with any questions or support they may require to ensure they can continue to operate within the guidelines stipulated by the Federal Government.
If you need support or assistance, please contact the Shire on 9526 1111 or email
What financial support is available individuals and households?
The Australian Government is providing financial assistance to Australians. This assistance includes income support payments, payments to support households and temporary early releases of superannuation.
For more information click the link below:
What is happening to Shire rates?
Information on rates, including the Shire's Financial Hardship Policy, can be found
What mental health and family support services are available?
If you are feeling overwhelmed or isolated, there is support available for you and your family members.
Mental health support
- Lifeline 24/7: 13 11 14
- Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636
- Crisis Care 24/7: 9223 1111
- Department of Health Hotline for “Passengers in isolation who feel unwell” is 1300 660 321
- Mental Health Emergency Response Line - Metro 1300 555 788 and Peel 1800 676 822
Children and youth mental health services
- Headspace: 1800 650 890
- Kids Helpline 24/7: 1800 551 800
Relationship support
- 1800 Respect 24/7: 1800 737 732
- Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline: 1800 007 339
- Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline: 1800 000 599
What medical advice and emergency services are available?
Medical support
Coronavirus Information
- National Coronavirus Helpline - 1800 020 080