Economic Development Strategy

The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale’s Economic Development Strategy (EDS) 2012 - 2023 is an economic development blueprint for the investment, social growth and prosperity of the Shire for the next six years.

The next 30 years will see unprecedented growth and opportunity, and, if managed appropriately, will usher in a new era of vibrancy and wealth for the Shire and the region.

The Shire is ideally placed in terms of its geostrategic position, competitive advantages and major industry trends. The Shire will not only grow based on population, it has a unique opportunity to become a leading business and investment hub with the Perth and Peel region into the future.

The Vision

The purpose of the EDS is to achieve the community’s aspirations for “An innovative, commercially diverse and prosperous economy” as highlighted in the Shire’s Strategic Community Plan.

The vision for the EDS describes the future desired outcome for the economy:

“By 2023, Serpentine Jarrahdale will be the economic hotspot of The Peel Region, a premier location of diverse and innovative industries that supports entrepreneurial leaders and investors as well as a dynamic, skilled and fast growing workforce. Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale will become the regional leader of employment growth and diversity.”

Action Plan

In order to implement the EDS, a detailed action plan has been developed. The action plan will be regularly reviewed to ensure that specific actions and tasks are relevant as well as adopting new actions and tasks as the local economy continues to evolve.

The action plan identifies the following strategic themes:

  1. Planning for the future
  2. Stakeholder engagement
  3. Marketing and promotion
  4. Business support and development
  5. Investment attraction

The specific actions and tasks associated with each strategic theme can be viewed from page 40 to 43 of the EDS.

Download the Economic Development Strategy