Local Planning Scheme

The Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale’s Local Planning Scheme No. 3 was gazetted on 22 September 2023.

 The Shire's Local Planning Scheme provides a regulatory framework for the control of land use and development within the Shire and sets out the way land is to be used and developed, classifies areas for land use and includes provisions to coordinate infrastructure and development within the local government area.

Local Planning Scheme No. 3


The purposes of this Scheme are to:

a) set out the local government’s planning aims and intentions for the Scheme area;

b) set aside land as local reserves for public purposes;

c) zone land within the Scheme area for the purposes defined in this Scheme;

d) control and guide development including processes for the preparation of structure plans, activity centre plans and local development plans

e) set out procedures for the assessment and determination of development applications;

f) set out procedures for contributions to be made for the costs of providing  infrastructure in connection with development through development contribution plans;

g) make provision for the administration and enforcement of the Scheme; and

h) address other matters referred to in Schedule 7 of the Act.


The aims of this Scheme are to:

a) Protect and enhance the landscape, natural environment, ecological values and environmental quality and improve the sustainable management of natural resources;

b) Preserve heritage values, amenity and areas of cultural significance and integrate new built environments with the existing local character;

c) Support the sustainable growth of the local economy to attract business, investment and tourism and generate local employment opportunities;

d) Deliver a diversity of housing types and lot sizes to accommodate all sectors of the population, respond to changing needs, facilitate ageing in place and provide a range of housing choices;

e) Support community health and wellbeing by promoting active, connected, safe and secure pursuits for all;

f) Protect rural land to support the Shire’s role as an important agricultural and horticultural economic contributor to the Shire and broader region, and minimise land use conflicts;

g) Create distinctive and well-defined urban centres and townsites which foster a strong sense of place and local identity;

h) Ensure the orderly and proper provision of services and infrastructure;

i) Support regional development and improve connections within the broader region; and

j) To create and maintain a healthy environment, with consideration for the social, economic and environmental needs of future generations.

This is framed via scheme text and maps available from the Government of Western Australia website here.

The enabling legislation is the Planning and Development Act 2005.  It is under the powers of conferred by this Act that the scheme is formulated and reviewed.