Planning for the Future

Planning for the Future is the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale’s dedicated advocacy brand.

The Shire recognises the role advocacy plays in influencing political support, decision making and funding of critical community infrastructure and services.

This is especially vital at this moment in the Shire's history. As one of the fastest growing local governments in Australia, we are experiencing rapid growth, with nearly two new families moving to the Shire every day.

By 2036 our population is projected to double to nearly 70,000 residents, and this number is expected to grow to more than 95,000 by 2046. 

To maintain the Shire’s liveability, it is essential that we are able to plan ahead for the critical community infrastructure that will meet, and exceed, future needs.

The Shire has already delivered, or is delivering, on a number of projects with State Government support, including essential hypergrowth road upgrades and Stage One of the Jarrahdale Outdoor Hub.

Advocacy means that the Shire can continue to build partnerships with government and other key stakeholders to deliver for our community.

In 2024, the Shire set a new advocacy agenda in the lead up to the 2025 State and Federal elections.

This agenda identifies six advocacy projects, which link back to our community's priorities in the Shire’s 2023-33 Council Plan and its pillars: Thriving, Liveable and Connected.

Together we can build a welcoming community, where everyone feels at home.

Key stats and facts about SJ