Drain Maintenance

It is accepted practice for property owners to provide a level of maintenance on the verge adjoining their property, with the exception of verge trees, any remnant vegetation, and any drainage infrastructure, which is maintained by the Shire.
The Shire is responsible for the free flowing of water in drains and stormwater pits. This refers to clearing of sod, silt and verge trees.
Please refer to Permissible Verge Treatments - Urban - Council Policy 2.2.6 and Permissible Verge Treatments - Rural - Council Policy 2.2.7 for further information.
If you notice a blocked drain or pit, or any damage to a drain, click on the button below to notify us, and include a photo of the issues identified.
Types of Drains

A Bubble Up Pit stores water which overflows into the nearest receiving point.

A Culvert is a tunnel carrying a stream or open drain under a road or railway.

A Grate is a frame of metal bars placed over the opening to a hole in the ground which allows water to flow into.

A Headwall is a small retaining wall placed at the inlet or outlet of a piped drain.

An Open Drain is an open channel which is used for the discharge of rainwater and is often directed to other drainage systems.

A Soakwell is an underground structure which disposes of unwanted water. Lids often break and require repair.
Lodge a Drain Maintenance Request
To report an issue with a drain, please use the button below
Drain Maintenance
For any other request, click on the button below.
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