Public Participation

Council and Committee Meetings will be live streamed and audio recorded through the Shire's live YouTube channel: Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale - YouTube

If you are asking a public question or making a statement or deputation to the meeting this will be live streamed and audio recorded. Members of the public are reminded that no other visual or audio recording of this meeting by any other means is allowed.

Public Question and Public Statement Time

Public Question Time and Public Statement Time provide an opportunity for community members to address and pose questions of Council.

In relation to an Ordinary Council Meeting, a person may ask up to 3 questions and/or make a statement that is not greater than 3 minutes in duration, either in relation to an item on the Agenda of that meeting, or on any matter affecting the local government. 

In relation to a Special Council Meeting, a person may ask up to 3 questions and/or make a statement that is not greater than 3 minutes in duration, on matters which relate to an item on the Agenda of that Special Council Meeting.

Public Questions and/or Statements must be submitted in writing prior to 2pm on the day of the relevant Council meeting.

Asking your questions or making your statement at the meeting

You, or someone acting on your behalf, will need to attend the relevant Council meeting from the commencement of the meeting in order to have your questions and/or statement included in the meeting.

At the relevant time, you will be asked to address Council.  In accordance with the Shire's Standing Orders you must extend due courtesy and respect to Council and the processes under which it operates and take direction from the person presiding. 

As a formal proceeding of Council, public statements, public questions, and their responses, are recorded in the minutes of the relevant Council Meeting. 

Further information related to Public Question Time and Public Statement Time can be found in Council Policy 1.1.3 – Public Question and Public Statement Time – Ordinary Council Meeting.

Lodging your Public Questions and/or Public Statement

Please complete the form below and email to

Public Question Time and/or Public Statement Time form

General Meeting of Electors - 31 January 2024 - Public Questions Form - Fillable

General Meeting of Electors - 31 January 2024 - Public Statements Form - Fillable

General Meeting of Electors - 31 January 2024 - Motions Form - Fillable

Alternatively, please hand deliver, post or email your Public Questions and/or Statement to:

Chief Executive Officer - Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale


6 Paterson Street,

Mundijong  WA  6123



How do I request to present a Deputation?

A deputation is a presentation made to Council.  A deputation is most often regarding a matter that is scheduled for consideration by Council.

The deputation can either be in support of a proposal or in opposition to a proposal.

A deputation may not exceed 15 minutes in duration.

For the full requirements of a deputation, please refer to Clause 3.13, of the Shire’s Standing Orders Local Law 2002 (as amended).

In accordance with Council Resolution OCM313/12/22, requests for Deputations must be submitted to the Chief Executive Officer at least 3 working days prior to the meeting, and the wording of approved Deputations is to be provided to all Councillors, if available, at least 72 hours prior to the meeting at which the Deputation is to be made.

Please hand deliver, post or email your deputation request to:

Chief Executive Officer - Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale


6 Paterson Street,

Mundijong  WA  6123



Requests made are considered by the Shire President.  The Shire President may accept or reject your request.

Requests should state what Agenda item or matter the deputation will relate to and include the wording of the deputation.  If you wish to distribute printed material relating to your deputation to Councillors, you will find their contact details here.  Information is not to be handed out at the meeting.

Deputations may be made as an individual or a group.  A group requesting a deputation may not exceed five people, and only two of whom may address the Council.

You will be notified of the Shire President's decision prior to the meeting. 

Making your deputation

If your request is approved, you will need to attend the relevant Council meeting from the commencement of the meeting.  

At the relevant time, you will be asked to address Council.  In accordance with the Shire's Standing Orders you must extend due courtesy and respect to Council and the processes under which it operates and take direction from the person presiding. Council meetings are not subject to Parliamentary Privilege.

As a formal proceeding of Council, deputations provided are recorded in the minutes of the relevant Council meeting. 

More Information:

If you have any queries about presenting a Deputation, please contact the Coordinator Governance, 9526 1102 or


A petition is a formal request made by a specific number of signatories requesting some form of action. A petition generally requests Council to resolve to support a nominated course of action.

Petitions made to Council must relate to an area where Council has an authority or role.

Submitting a Petition to Council - Information and Guidelines

Petition Form Template 

Requesting a Special Meeting of Electors

A request for a special meeting of the electors is a formal request made by electors of a district for a particular matter. The request must be in the form prescribed by the Local Government Act 1995 and the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996.

Request for a Special Meeting of the Electors - Information and Guidelines

Request for a Special Meeting of the Electors Form Template

Council delegates to community groups

Community organisations and associations make a tremendous contribution to the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale by activating the community and providing forums for people to be involved in shaping the future of our community.

They also provide a vital link between the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale’s Council and the community.

Councillors are encouraged to participate in community organisations and associations, including as members, without needing to be formally appointed by Council.

Alternatively, your organisation can request that Council consider formally appointing a Councillor to be the delegate to your organisation or association.  To do so please provide a copy of the terms of reference or constitution of your organisation or association to