Strategic Community Infrastructure Planning

Strategic community infrastructure planning covers the future planning of community infrastructure and facilities

These processes shape future places and spaces available to the community – promoting overall planning for sport, recreation, and community related infrastructure. We focus on planning for the use of public space providing the conduit between the community needs and expectations and the technical aspects of design and construction to get the best outcome for the community and therefore coordinate strategic projects, strategic land use planning, policy development and community engagement focusing on delivering infrastructure to the benefit of the community to make this happen.

We ensure that appropriate strategic plans, policies, and masterplans are in place to help guide the implementation of existing and future infrastructure within the Shire. We draft, provide input into and utilise key Shire planning documents such as the ‘Community Infrastructure and Public Open Space Strategy’, ‘Community Infrastructure Implementation Plan’ and the ‘Community Infrastructure Development Contribution Plan’ to deliver a clear guide to future planning considerations with regard to community priorities, development contributions and funding available, and Shire facilities to be constructed or upgraded as approved by Council.

Clem Kentish Master Plan V 2

Clem Kentish Reserve Master Plan - Interim Report

Community Infrastructure and Public Open Space Strategy

Jarrahdale Oval Recreation Space and Trail Head Master Plan

Community Infrastructure Implementation Plan

Community Infrastructure Development Contribution Plan Report