Federal and State Government Election: Priorities and requests

I am honoured to present the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale’s Federal and State Election Priorities and Election Requests. As one of the fastest growing local governments in Western Australia and a key growth area in the nation, we are experiencing an astounding population growth of nearly four new residents joining our Shire every day. By 2036 our population is projected to double to nearly 70,000 residents, and this number is expected to grow to 130,000 by 2050.

Our rapid growth offers both exciting opportunities and substantial challenges. Despite our traditional revenue sources and developer contributions, it is evident that we cannot single handedly meet the increasing demands for infrastructure to support our growing community. The Shire acknowledges the importance of forming partnerships to transform these critical projects into reality, thereby delivering essential social, environmental, and economic advantages for not only our local residents but also for the broader Peel region and the entirety of Western Australia.

At the heart of our mission lies the wellbeing of our residents. We are dedicated to providing them with the quality of life they rightfully expect when choosing to make Serpentine Jarrahdale their home. Through extensive community engagement and strategic, long-term planning, we have carefully developed a new Corporate Business Plan covering the period from 2024 to 2028.

This plan outlines our most crucial projects and initiatives, all aimed at safeguarding the interests of our rapidly expanding community. Our commitment to financial sustainability is emphasised by our Long-Term Financial Plan, which provides a detailed road map for the realisation of these projects and initiatives. In this pursuit, we are reaching out to seek the support and partnership of the Federal and State Governments. We recognise that our aspirations align with the objectives of Federal and State Government Programs, including Infrastructure Investment, Local Roads and Community Infrastructure, Roads to Recovery, Thriving Suburbs and the Metropolitan Regional Road Group funding programs.

We hope to establish a mutually beneficial partnership between the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale, Federal and State Government, enabling us to continue to meet the needs of a growing nation while ensuring the prosperity of our vibrant community.

Rob Coales

Shire President


Document: Federal and State Government Election: priorities and requests

Map: Federal Government Election: priorities and requests

Priorities and requests ​

Thomas Road upgrades $175 million
  • $90 million for the duplication of
    Thomas Road between Tonkin Highway and South Western Highway

  • $85 million to deliver ultimate intersection outcome for Thomas Road/Tonkin Highway
Still Advocating 
West Mundijong Industrial Area $47.5 million To improve transport connections to the West Mundijong Industrial Area Still Advocating 
Improve local road safety $18.8 million To upgrade Karnup, Hopeland and Nettleton roads Still Advocating 
Byford Metronet Rail extension  Additional $100 million  To achieve elevated rail and station in the Byford Town Centre as part of the Byford Metronet Rail Extension project  Still Advocating 
Community and  sporting
$15.4 million

To construct Stage 1B and 1C

  • $6.2m for Stage 1B: Netball Courts

  • $9.2m for Stage 1C: Regional BMX Facility
Still Advocating 
Jarrahdale Trail Town $16.4 million  To implement priority recommendations of the Jarrahdale Trail Town Business Case Still Advocating