Stacey Walton - Byford Community Kindergarten

Stacey Walton was recently recognised as a part of the Shire’s Volunteer Recognition Program for her hard work with the Byford Community Kindergarten. Stacey received a $50 voucher to a restaurant of her choice located within the Shire.

We asked Stacey a few questions about her experience volunteering:

How did you get involved in volunteering for you group?

I was voted in President for 2022.

How long have you been volunteering?

Since February 2022

What do you enjoy most about volunteering?

I love being able to see the difference my contribution has made to not only our students (present and future) but our teacher and EA also. Helping others is very important to me. Being the President of this P&C I love that I am able to empower the other volunteers, lead by example, and give back to the community and our Kindy.

What makes Byford Community Kindy so special to you?

Byford Community Kindy is a very special place, it embodies so many of my beliefs that children should be introduced to school life in a fun, play based yet structured way. This kick starts their learning journey into a positive and exciting adventure. 

Why would you recommend others to get involved in volunteering?

Its so rewarding, being part of a community based volunteer program enables you to make a difference and also meet new people.

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