The Shire has a number of actions in place to address graffiti vandalism in our Shire, but crime prevention is everyone’s responsibility and we all have a role to play. Graffiti is a criminal offence and the Shire relies on your help to report and remove graffiti.
Report Graffiti
Graffiti incidents reported through the Goodbye Graffiti website are automatically directed to the relevant local government authority or asset owner to notify them of the incident and facilitate removal. Use this to report all incidents of graffiti within the Shire.
If you see a graffiti vandalism offence in progress, you can contact WA Police on 131 444

Graffiti on your property
Always endeavour to remove graffiti as quickly as possible. The prompt removal of graffiti helps defeat vandals as it diminishes the level of recognition and reward achieved by these offenders.
It is a good idea to take a photo of the graffiti vandalism for your records and police records - this will also assist if you have to lodge an insurance claim.
Graffiti on Council property
The Shire is responsible for removing graffiti from infrastructure managed or owned by Council such as road reserves, footpaths, street furniture, sculptures, artworks and buildings.
To report damage to Council property click the button below or get in touch with our Customer Service Team on 9526 1111 - email
Report Graffiti
Designing out graffiti
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles are applied with graffiti reduction and prevention in mind. The WA Police Force Graffiti Team has developed an information resource for community members and asset owners on how to apply these principles to Design out Graffiti.
The Graffiti Team have developed a series of information guides on specific aspects of Designing out Graffiti.