Millbrook Estate residents update

Published on Thursday, 19 December 2019 at 7:00:00 AM

The information below is an update from the Shire on matters raised at the Millbrook Community Meeting held at the Jarrahdale Fire Station on Tuesday, 26 November 2019.

Verge maintenance and Tree under-pruning

Karnet prison farm resources are currently programmed to begin verge maintenance work in mid January 2020, weather and resources permitting. Resource availability are at the ultimate discretion of the prison, and the Shire continues liaison to try to secure these works.

Telstra Outages

Two recent unscheduled Telstra outages in the Jarrahdale area affected the community. The Shire has worked with Telstra to ensure that outages are reported to the Shire and Emergency Services, to enable Emergency Response and contingency plans to be put in place.

An investigation into the outages has also resulted in upgrade works to identified Telstra power supply components by Telstra. The Shire is also currently exploring expanding the emergency siren notification system for Jarrahdale, as a backup given the recent two outages.

Emergency/Evacuation Points and Routes

Various options to establish Emergency Evacuation points and routes for the western side of the Millbrook area are currently being researched. While the Shire does not own any land in this area, it is researching possible options. The community will be kept informed of the outcomes of this going forward.

Volunteer Bushfire Readiness Group

The Shire encourages residents to consider the support offered by the Volunteer Bushfire Readiness Group in respect of fire preparedness, prevention, response and recovery education. For assistance, please contact the group’s facilitator Meg Cooper on

Verge Tree Pruning

The Shire’s Infrastructure Team are currently investigating options in this regard, and the extent of works that are possible given resources availability.

Further information

In the meantime, if you have any further questions, please contact the Shire at or by contacting us on 9526 1111.


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