Major fire in Keysbrook

Published on Friday, 22 December 2023 at 12:57:43 PM

UPDATE 22 December 2023 13:59pm

EVACUATION CENTRE NOW OPEN - Serpentine Jarrahdale Community Recreation Centre. 

An evacuation centre is open at Serpentine Jarrahdale Community Recreation Centre, 38 Mead Street Byford.


The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale has activated a large animal welfare centre to assist residents evacuating their properties due to the Keysbrook bushfire emergency. The address is Mundijong Sale Yard, 121 Evelyn Street, Mundijong. Owners must remain with animals at all times. Enquiries about the large animal welfare centre only, call 9526 1508.

22 December 2023, 12:59pm

A bushfire emergency has been issued for Keysbrook. For people north of Readheads Road it is too late to leave. People south of Readheads Road should leave in a southerly direction if the way is clear.

Keep up to date with all updates from Emergency WA via their website.

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