Lee-anne Danzi

Volunteer Recognition Program winner.

Lee-anne was recognised for her hard work for the Serpentine Playgroup. Lee-anne received a $100 voucher to a restaurant of her choice located within the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale.

We asked Lee-anne a few questions about her volunteering experience.

How did you get involved in volunteering for your group?

Having young children in Serpentine, I wanted to meet other mums in the area, so I joined the Serpentine Playgroup. In January 2018 I was asked if I would be like to become the president of the playgroup and have met some great mums on the committee and enjoyed every moment with all the kids.

How long have you been involved in volunteering?

I have been involved since January 2017.

What do you enjoy most about volunteering?

I love meeting new families in my area and watching the kids having fun, learn new things and seeing them find new friends to grow up with.

What makes your club/group special to you?

Serpentine Playgroup has a warm and welcoming feeling. The committee members are so friendly it feels like we’re all part of a big family.

Why would you recommend others to get involved in volunteering?

You get great joy in being part of something special within your own community and giving back to others within the community.

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