Published on Tuesday, 28 November 2023 at 11:52:43 AM

The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale’s volunteer bush fire brigades have been working round the clock to keep our community safe following the early onset of hot weather across the month of November.
Extreme temperatures and high fire danger ratings have resulted in several large bushfires breaking out across Serpentine Jarrahdale and beyond, with crews from the Shire’s seven local brigades on the front line.
SJ crews have responded to a whopping 39 incidents over the month of November alone, putting in more than 3000 man hours.
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Not only have their tireless efforts kept our own community safe, but SJ volunteers have also pitched in to help combat blazes in the neighbouring Shire of Murray, City of Kwinana and City of Wanneroo.
They’ve even responded to fires in the Kimberley, Pilbara and New South Wales.
With the fire season now upon us, it’s crucial all Serpentine Jarrahdale residents are prepared for the event of an emergency.
It’s never too late to create your bushfire plan. Get started here.
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