Published on Friday, 7 June 2024 at 11:20:19 AM
Serpentine Jarrahdale residents are invited to spice up their front verges through the Free Verge
Plant Program, a collaborative initiative by the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale and Landcare SJ.
The program aims to beautify our Shire’s streets while helping to build a more sustainable, greener
local environment by distributing more than 2,200 free, native, and endemic plants.
Through the initiative, both urban and rural residents across Serpentine Jarrahdale can apply for
free verge plants to enrich their neighbourhoods. The plants will be available for collection from
Landcare SJ on Saturday, 29 June.
Shire President Rob Coales said verge plants held significant benefits for the local environment
and encouraged SJ residents to take up this unique offer.
“By participating in this program, residents not only enhance their surroundings but also increase
habitat for our local wildlife,” President Coales said.
“Native plants also reduce water consumption and cool our environment. There are so many
benefits to this program, and I hope to see plenty of SJ locals adding a splash of nature to their
front verges this year.”
To participate in the program and secure your free verge plant, you can register your details by
clicking here:
The Free Verge Plant Program has been made possible thanks to funding of $4,581,50 received
from the Water Corporation’s Waterwise Greening Scheme.
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