Serpentine Jarrahdale SES on the search for new volunteers ahead of storm season

Published on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 at 10:36:01 AM

The Serpentine Jarrahdale State Emergency Services (SES) unit is on the lookout for new volunteers to join their ranks as they brace for storm season.

With the winter months fast approaching our local SES volunteers will be busy sandbagging homes, tending to damaged properties and keeping our community safe during wild weather.

However, helping the community to recover from storms and natural disasters is only part of the SES’ responsibility. Volunteers also regularly work alongside WA Police to carry out searches for missing persons and provide assistance at road accidents.

Serpentine Jarrahdale SES Manager Martin Seward said it was vital the group recruited new members to be able to provide the best safety service to our growing Shire.

“More people and families are moving to Serpentine Jarrahdale every year, which means there are more houses that we will need to attend during the storm season,” Mr Seward said.

“It’s essential we continue to recruit new members so that we can keep our community safe.

“We’ve got a great unit here in SJ and the SES is a great way to meet new friends and give back to the community.”

The Serpentine Jarrahdale SES meets weekly on Wednesday nights. Training is provided for new recruits, with a variety of roles available to volunteers.

To find out more about the Serpentine Jarrahdale SES unit, call Manager Martin Seward on 0417 997 875.

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