Published on Thursday, 2 March 2023 at 2:25:00 PM
Funding secured to progress project planning works
The Shire has been advised by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries it will be releasing $1.5 million from the $18 million Financial Assistance Agreement 2 for the Shire to complete associated planning and design works for the Keirnan Park Recreation and Sporting Precinct project.
Stage 1A - Multi use pavilion, entry road, car park and ovals
Stage 1A Design and Tender documents are programmed to be finalised by the end of March 2023. This package of documents will allow the Shire to tender Stage 1A for construction. You can view design documents relating to Stage 1A under the “documents library” on the dedicated Keirnan Park project page.
The investigation works for irrigation water have been ongoing throughout 2022 and was completed in January 2023. Bores in the superficial aquifer have not provided the quantity required to irrigate Stage 1A. One bore was drilled into a deeper aquifer and has the potential to water the first Stage 1A, however, permission is required from the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER).
Other methods have been designed to achieve water supply such as water sensitive urban design (WSUD) techniques, which are at a concept stage. The Shire will be engaging with DWER and Minister for Water over the coming months to discuss water security for the Stage 1A development.
Stage 1B – BMX Track and Pavilion
The BMX Track and pavilion (Stage 1B) concept design has been signed off and is now in detailed design phase. Byford BMX have been involved in reviewing all the designs and documentation which are programmed to be completed in April 2023.
Keirnan Park Stakeholder Reference Group
The Keirnan Park Stakeholder Reference Group was formed at the end of 2021 and have met several times during 2022.
The group met for the first time in 2023 on Wednesday, 15 February 2023 to receive an update on the progress of Stage 1A, Stage 1B, water investigations and project funding. To learn more about the group, visit the “documents library” on the dedicated Keirnan Park project page.
Visit the Keirnan Park project page
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