Are you and your family ready for bushfire season?

Published on Thursday, 17 November 2022 at 10:15:25 AM

Did you know around 97% of our Shire is declared bushfire prone?

That’s why it is so important to be prepared for bushfire season and have a plan ready. It could save you and your family’s life.

Installing and maintaining a firebreak on your property is only one way you can help protect your family and property.

You can also:

  • Keep gutters, roofs and walls clear of flammable materials.
  • Slash, trim, prune and mow regularly.
  • Keep fuel dumps, ramps and drums clear of flammable materials.

Each year we send to every property owner in the Shire a Fire Hazard Reduction Notice which details the legal requirements to reduce hazards on your property as well as information on being bushfire ready.

If you haven't started already, now is the time to take action - fire hazard assessments will commence 1 December 2022.

Download a copy of the Fire Hazard Reduction Notice

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