Bushfire Warning Systems

Published on Wednesday, 18 November 2020 at 10:13:59 AM

If you live in a bushfire risk area, you need to understand the bushfire warning systems before a fire threatens your home. The alerts give information on how severe a bushfire is once it’s started. Alerts have four warning levels indicating the increasing risk to your life or property, and the decreasing amount of time you have until the fire arrives.

The following tools and resources can help you to understand the four levels of warnings:
🔹 DFES’ Bushfire Warning System Factsheet
🔹 DFES’ Alerts and Warnings YouTube Video

When a bushfire threatens, you can monitor official warnings at
🔹 www.emergency.wa.gov.au
🔹 By calling DFES’ Information Line on 13DFES (13 3337)
🔹 Local ABC radio

Remember: Your surroundings could be your best information source. Stay alert to what is happening around you. If you believe you may be in danger, act immediately to stay safe.

For further bushfire information please visit dfes.wa.gov.au or contact The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale Bushfire Awareness Team on 0403 818 830

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