Shire celebrates 10 years as a Waterwise Council

Published on Friday, 16 July 2021 at 10:13:01 AM

The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale is celebrating 10 years as a Waterwise Council, which marks a decade of the Shire committing to water saving initiatives and strategies through Water Corporation’s Waterwise Council Program.

Shire President Cr Michelle Rich said the milestone highlighted the Shire’s significant contribution to improving water efficiencies throughout the Shire.

“Over the past decade the Shire has placed a sharp focus on being waterwise in all areas of operations,” Cr Rich said.

“We’ve engaged with local schools and community groups to create a more water-efficient community, and programs such as the SJ Garden Competition and Free Verge Plant program are recognition of our community taking a lead on water conservation.

“The Shire is proud to be a Waterwise Council and I look forward to seeing what we as a community can continue to achieve in this space.”

Several projects and initiatives have been carried out during the Shire’s time as a Waterwise Council including upgrading irrigation systems, enhancing drainage to local roads and incorporating waterwise design to all new projects.

Water Corporation presented the Shire with a commemorative park bench and plaque as part of the 10-year milestone celebrations, which has been installed on the western side of the Gordin Way Reserve, Byford.

The milestone follows on from the Shire being recognised as a Gold Waterwise Council in 2020 for its leadership in sustainable water management.

The Waterwise Council Program supports Local Governments to improve their water efficiency and management practices.

The program was established in 2009.

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